Westside Enterprises

Optimal animal nutrition supported by a new generation of micro additives, speciality ingredients and consultancy services.

taking notes about Optimal Animal Nutrition on paper with cup of coffee

About Us

who we are

Our products are designed for discerning nutritionists and feed producers in the animal feed industry. We add value to the end user by providing a range of products that improve animal performance, minimise costs and maximise feed production efficiency. Our Company brochure is a concise summary of who we are and what we do.

Optimal Animal Nutrition being studied by man and woman in lab coat and cow in shed


tehnical information

Discover our podcast, videos and webinars where of highly relevant up-to-date technical information.
We mainly focus on the latest science and technology applied to our feed additives.

'n graph explaining Main characteristics that makes IntelliBond unique

Features that make Selko IntelliBond® unique

Blog Articles

The abilities of Intellibond

The Abilities of IntelliBond


Cows in shed with tag in ear making use of Trace minerals with good udder health

Trace Minerals and Udder Health


Fighting oxidative stress the nasal way with cow snout in black and white photo

Fighting Oxidative Stress the Natural Way


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